A total of 3,119 two-dimensional maps have been developed. All of these maps are directly accessible via download from this Inspector at either the priority species or community level. An inventory of maps is available
The bullets below represent the parameters available for choosing a particular map. The underlying georeferenced data used to develop the maps are available in output databases.
Source of climate data: Either the Global climate projection ensembles from the publicly available WorldClim datasets or regional climate projections from the LNRCCP's regional climate change modeling (atmospheric) study
Period: Either the historical period or a single year within a future period (2030, 2050, 2070, and 2080)
Representative Concentration Pathway: Either RCP4.5 or RCP8.5
Spatial domain: Either all Arabian Peninsula using a 12-km spatial resolution or the Eastern portion of the Arabian Peninsula using a 4-km spatial resolution
Data/modeling framework: For data frameworks, either point distribution data or point occurrence data; for modeling frameworks, either a Species Distribution Modeling framework for assessing impacts at the priority species level or a Generalized Dissimilarity Modeling framework for assessing impacts at the community level
Parameter: Compositional change, habitat suitability, change in habitat suitability, and uncertainty
Taxon: Amphibians, birds (non-breeding), birds (breeding and resident), mammals, plants, reptiles, all individual species, and all taxa
Focus: Individual species, all species, or all taxa
Common name: Common name of individual species
Species name: Species name of individual species
Map availability: Online or offline