The "Terrestrial Biodiversity and Climate Change" study is one of twelve studies within AGEDI's "Local, National, and Regional Climate Change (LNRCC) Programme. The study assessed the potential impacts and the vulnerability of terrestrial biodiversity on the Arabian Peninsula under projected climate change.in the mid- and late-21st Century periods. A research team led by Matt Fitzpatrick from the at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Appalachian Laboratory carried out the study.

The main objective of the Inspector is to offer comprehensive access to the outputs of the study, including all maps produced and databases developed in order to help stakeholders and researchers alike to explore the results of the assessment in detail. Over 3.000 maps are included in the Terrestrial Biodiversity & Climate Change Inspector, together with the georeferenced datasets underlying these maps.
For a discussion of the underlying methodology, models, data sources, and key assumptions, please see the accompanying technical reports which are accessible from the "Review Background" section of the main Terrestrial Biodiversity & Climate Change page.